Scott Simpson
A Mossy Path
12 × 10 in
Oil on canvas
12 x 10 inches
30.48 x 25.4 cm
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About Scott Simpson
Scott S Simpson is an award-winning painter based in Alloa, Scotland. He graduated from Grays School of Art RGU. His drawing and paintings are, at the fundamental level, based on nature and seeing the world at a walking pace to produce work that is poetic, archaeological and full of intrigue and contemplation.
His concerns are broad ranging from the nature of reality and metaphysics to the environment, society and politics. Dreams and the subconscious are an important part of his work. Scott enjoys drawing in its many forms from small scale and intricate pencil productions to large and expressive charcoal drawings. He has exhibited at the RSA and SSA and Aberdeen Artist Society on several occasions. He has work in collections around the world.
Currently Scott is returning to paint in an expressive style which complements his walking thoughts as well as invoking an energy and emotion to the places he visits, often out of the way places or seemingly ordinary scenes that might hide an unseen narrative.
Other works from this artist
Scott Simpson
'Arch, Repton Gardens'
18 × 14 in
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Scott Simpson
'On the way to Harviestoun Glen'
10 × 8 in
£400.00 View
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