Florist's Table, Gail Pope, Greengallery

Gail’s passion for art started very early in life – a pencil, crayon or paintbrush was never far from her hand! She won various art competitions at school, but never thought much about it. Realisation as to any ‘calling’ only began when, in her first year at High School (age13), the head of the Art Department asked for permission to copy a painting Gail had just completed of two imagined parrots (very ethereal), and subsequently created a huge mosaic of them on his ceiling at home. He turned an exact copy of Gail’s creation into a visual wow factor. He also, together with her art teacher, strongly recommended her for Art College.

Regrettably that was a proposal Gail’s family could not afford. She entered the world of commerce.

Some years later, a domestic move from Dundee to Glasgow enabled a spell studying drawing (still life and figurative) at Glasgow School of Art, followed by time under the wing of George Birrell, a highly respected art lecturer/teacher. George was himself a graduate from GSA, and already an established successful exhibiting artist. He instilled technical skills, practical knowledge, broadened Gail’s technique, and importantly, gave encouragement. She gained the confidence to submit her artwork to galleries for sale and has now been painting as an exhibiting artist throughout the UK for over fifteen years.

Working mostly in acrylics, Gail’s primary influence is colour, with tonal harmony and perhaps the odd colour clash being an underlying feature. Depending on the effect desired she often goes beyond the use of paintbrush, with sponges, pallet knives, tissues, gold leaf, pen and ink, and even fingers being brought into play. Texture and layering, particularly on backgrounds, sets an important foundation. However, always, the choice of colour pallet and tonal harmony is foremost in her mind. She considers a painting ‘finished’ only when she would gladly hang it on her own walls at home.


Current works for sale

  • Gail Pope
    'Japanese Flowering Quince'
    24 × 24 in
    £1,850.00 Sold

  • Gail Pope
    'Moody Sky Over the Bass Rock'
    35.5 × 35.5 in
    £2,500.00 Sold