Still life with Vase and Avocado, Jane Cruickshank, Greengallery

Jane was born in 1976. She studied Fine Art at Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen, completing her Master of Arts degree in 1999.  She has won numerous awards and scholarships including the Cooper and Lybrand Competition in 1996, John Kinross Scholarship to Florence in 1997 and the James Torrance Memorial Award from the Royal Glasgow Institute in 1998.

She has exhibited her paintings widely and has shown very successfully at art fairs in London and Glasgow.  Using recognisable subject matter she employs an intense realism in her paintings, whether still life or portraits. Subjects have a luminescence and clarity that make them appear as if they could move off the canvas.


Current works for sale

  • Jane Cruickshank
    'Tarnished Jug'
    6 × 7 in
    £595.00 Sold

  • Jane Cruickshank
    'Two Pears'
    8 × 8 in
    £725.00 Sold

  • Jane Cruickshank
    'Still Life with Silver & Enamel'
    8 × 11 in
    £925.00 Sold

  • Jane Cruickshank
    12 × 10 in
    £950.00 Sold

  • Jane Cruickshank
    'Pewter and Stoneware'
    9 × 12 in
    £950.00 Sold

  • Jane Cruickshank
    'Still Life with Silver'
    12 × 10 in
    £950.00 Sold

  • Jane Cruickshank
    'Stoneware and Pewter'
    9 × 8.5 in
    £695.00 Sold

  • Jane Cruickshank
    'Enamel Mug with Plums'
    12 × 9 in
    £950.00 Sold

  • Jane Cruickshank
    'Still Life with Vase and Avocado'
    17 × 11 in
    £1,250.00 Sold